유시도 流澌島 YUSIDO

현덕식/ HYEONDEOKSIK / 玄悳植 / painting

2023_0809 2023_0814

현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_112×194cm_2023

현덕식 인스타그램_@hyeon_deok_sik


별도의 초대일시가 없습니다.

관람시간 / 10:00am~07:00pm


갤러리 인사아트


서울 종로구 인사동길 56

(관훈동 119번지) 1,B1

Tel. +82.(0)2.734.1333



"카프카가 말한 것처럼, 우리가 얻은 물질의 조각에 또 다른 상징적 조각이 더해진다. 인간은 기다림과 욕망과 언어로 몸을 감싸고서야 생을 마주한다. 그런 연약한 모습으로 집단의 폭력에 노출되지만, 동시에 예술을 통해 다시 활기를 찾고, 끝없이 새로워진다." 라고 한국 시를 읽는 프랑스의 시인 클로드 무샤르는 말했다. (클로드 무샤르 , 구모덕 다른 생의 피부, 문학과 지성사, 2023, p.61) 유시도(流澌島)에서 얼음이라는 물질적인 덩어리는 인간 내면에 존재하는 욕망을 상징하고 이 얼음이 녹으며 순수한 물로 돌아감으로써 욕망으로부터 자유로워지고 싶은 바램을 담아 보았다. (작가노트 부분 발췌) 현덕식


현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_91×73cm_2023
현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_91×73cm_2023
현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_73×61cm_2023
현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_112×194cm_2023
현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_53×46cm_2023
현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_73×61cm_2023
현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_61×73cm_2023
현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_73×91cm_2022
현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_61×91cm_2022
현덕식_유시도_장지에 먹_112×194cm_2022

Human beings are born, grow, and eventually return to nature. At the beginning of the life, every human being has a primal purity and cleanliness. While living on, some people are trying to preserve their originality, but most humans are obsessed with prosaic avidity. Our lives are closely related to and also affected by avidity. It is certainly difficult to give up avidity in life from society. Someone who doesn't possess is anxious to fill the void; someone who possess is greedy for more than he has. This terrible avidity always makes us hungry. This hunger always craves the material object, wealth. Each people fights desperately to satisfy own thirst, and rationalizes as legit. The first thing we have to do to escape the yoke of avidity in the rapidly changing industrialization is to admit that we are craving it. In my work, the purity given as a pre-born is expressed as water before formation of the ice, it is men' pursuit of avidity, and the process of melting back into the water is men' abandonment for prosaic avidity and return to the pureness of the pre-born. When the ice melts, returning to its original form of water is not abandoning itself, but finding itself. Each individual ice (prosaic avidity) melts and merges into a single water (pureness of the pre-born). I want to put meanings on the ice, the mass material as the avidity existing human beings and my wish that I want to go back to the pureness and be free from the avidity as the ice melts back to the pureness symbolized by water. Hyeon, Deok Sik



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